History of Iran tourism

Carefully in the surviving logbooks, we conclude that what exists from the ninth to the fourteenth century AD is Muslim tourism in countries in the Middle East and the Far East, such as Japan, Africa and Europe. Muslim tourists have reported their travels in geographical books or in historical and ideological research and in this period and there is no news about the movement of European tourists and the people of the Christian West, and it seems that they had no interest in tourism. Occasionally we come across a Western Jewish tourist and businessman in the East. From the fifteenth century onwards, especially in the seventeenth century, we see that the flow of tourism has been exactly the opposite. Important tourists are foreigners who have come to the eastern lands and reported various customs, cultural heritage, government practices, goods and products of Islamic cities. Islam is to another


Travel statistics of foreign tourists to Iran

Iraq had the highest number of passengers in Iran in 1998, while the level of European travel to Iran was negative, but on the contrary, travel from some countries such as Oman to Iran has experienced a growth of over 90%. The Republic of Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Turkey, Pakistan, Armenia, Turkmenistan, Oman, Bahrain, Kuwait, India, China, Georgia, Russia, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Italy, the UAE and France had the highest number of trips to Iran, respectively. However, among these countries, the level of travel of European tourists has been negative. According to the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts, in the statistical yearbook of 1998, the number of travelers entering the country was 8,832,050 in that year, and all of them were considered “tourists”. In 1998, despite the belief of the officials of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts, the entry of foreign tourists to Iran had an upward trend, travel with other visas, including pilgrimage, has decreased. In that year, 711,144 people came to Iran on pilgrim visas, which is a decrease of more than 57% compared to the previous year. In 1997, 1,685,374 pilgrims were issued pilgrim visas.

?Who is Iran Tourism? And What is Iran Tourism

Iran Tourism, as its name implies, is a person who travels to Iran for at least one night and a maximum of one year to spend her free time, but does not include goals such as employment and earning money

Iran Tourism Guide

Iran is a country in Southwest Asia and in the Middle East. Its official name is the Islamic Republic of Iran and its capital is Tehran. The country covers an area of 1,648 ٬ 195 square kilometers (and ranks 18th in the world)

Introduction to generation and speech in Iran

Iran today is made up of many ethnic groups including: Azerbaijani, Kurdish, Lor, Bakhtiari, Baluch, Mazandaran, Gilak, Qashqai, Arab, Lak, Taleshi, Turkmen, Khalaj, Assyrian, Chaldean, Mandaean (Saebi), Tat, Georgian, Sistani and Armenian is formed.
There are about 75 languages and dialects in Iran and the largest language groups in Iran are Persian, Azerbaijani Turkish, Kurdish, Turkmen, Gilaki, Mazandarani, Khalaji, Taleshi, Lori, Bakhtiari, Arabic, Baluchi, Laki, Dailami, Tati, Armenian, Assyrian, Mandaean, Georgian, Hebrew etc

Iran Visa

Since 2006, Iranian visas have issued at the airport for travelers on condition that they bring a photograph and pay a visa fee of $ 50, which generally cannot obtain from the airport for more than a week and must be for less than 72 weeks. An hour before entering Iran, visit the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran evisatraveller.mfa.ir to apply for a visa for a longer period

Types of visas of the Islamic Republic of Iran






Input A


Press H


Tourism B


Service S


Pilgrimage C




Diplomacy D


Family reunification


Educational E


Exit and return


With the right to work F




Transit G



Visa-exempt countries

According to international law and interim agreements, it is possible to enter Iran for a citizen of some countries without a visa through the usual procedures. These people can obtain the necessary permits to enter at the entry points according to the rules and conditions set













Countries that need a visa to enter Iran

Albania, Luxembourg, Hong Kong, Mexico, Portugal, Turkmenistan, Germany, Columbia, Hungary, Moldova, Qatar, Ukraine, Austria, Croatia, India, Mongolia, Romania, Uzbekistan, Australia, Cuba, Indonesia, Netherlands, France, Philippines, Brazil, Cyprus, Italy, New Zealand, Singapore, Vietnam, Bahrain, Czech Republic, Japan, Nicaragua, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Belarus, Denmark, Kazakhstan, Norway, Spain, Greece, Belgium, Tajikistan, Kuwait, Oman, Sweden, Thailand, Brunei, Finland, Kyrgyzstan, Palestine, Switzerland, Poland, Bosnia and Herzegovina,Peru, Saudi Arabia, North Korea (Democratic Republic of Korea), South Korea (Republic of Korea), United Arab Emirates, Russian Federation

Note: Foreigners do not need a visa to enter free trade and industrial zones such as Kish, but if they intend to enter the country, it is necessary to obtain a visa before traveling through the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Show. Obviously, these people must present a valid passport when entering Kish.

Iran tourism in the country

:Transportation is at a high level and the price of airplanes is cheaper in Iran

Iran tourism by plane

The plane has many flights from Tehran to other parts of Iran, and you can fly with all kinds of planes. The national plane of Iran is Iran Air, and in most cases, you can easily get a ticket at the airport or tourist institutions

Iran tourism by bus

.Bus transportation in Iran is much cheaper than in other parts of the world. There are different types of buses.You can buy tickets from the offices and the terminals themselves

.There are also city buses, some of which you have to pay for boarding or disembarking, and some for which you have to buy a ticket

Iran tourism by train

Using Raja Train Company, you can travel to most parts of Iran from Tabriz to Zahedan, from Mashhad to Ahvaz, and from Gorgan to Bandar Abbas. The benefits of being safe and cheap, talking to other travelers as well as other tourists, a variety of foods – you can buy train tickets a month in advance and get a discount if you buy online

.There is also a city train (metro) in Tehran and some other cities, and it is under construction in other cities as well. Tehran city train (metro) connects east, west, south and north

Iran tourism by taxi

You can easily take a taxi within the cities and between cities.

Iran tourism by car

.You can easily travel all over Iran or even rent a car with an international certificate with cheap gasoline, which costs from about 20 to 50 dollars

Familiarity with talking in Iran for Iran tourism

The official language of Iran is Persian and many can at least speak English. You should know that in big cities, especially in the tourist city of Isfahan and the tourist island of Kish, and in some places, people speak other languages such as Azeri, Kurdish, Baluchi, etc

Familiarity with money in Iran for Iran tourism

.The currency of Iran is Rial, but the public deducts one unit from this currency and considers it as Toman, such as 10,000 Rial, which is the same as 1000 Toman

Familiarity with food in Iran for Iran tourism

.Lunch is served from 1 pm to 3 pm and dinner is served from 9 pm onwards. Alcohol and pork are also banned in Iran

For those who go to Iran from outside the Middle East, they will see attractive dishes that are very interesting, such as kebabs. Rice is common in Iran and it is eaten with different things, Cooked rice is called Chelow, if it is cooked with meat It is called Chelow Kabab and if it is cooked with chicken It is called Chelow Morq, and If mixed with vegetables, it is called Sabzi Polow and Baghali Polow. Soup for Iranians is also called Ash, which is very tasty

There are also different breads that are very tasty with breakfast and white cheese, such as Sangak, Taftoon and Lavash breads and reads for the region of Azerbaijan, which is popular in all parts and is called Barbari

Safety tips in Iran for Iran tourism

In Iran, crime rates are low and safer than in many Western countries. In places like Zahedan, Zabul, Mirjaveh, be careful, but do not pay too much attention to the news, because their people, who are mostly Baluchis are very hospitable and help tourists a lot especially if it is from places other than Iran. The only problem is the groups that smuggle drugs in those areas but try these people yourself and you will be surprise by their hospitality. you can even see more hospitality from areas like Isfahan that are said to be hospitable, of course in the southern region of Sistan and Baluchestan there is the city of Chabahar which is very safe

Iranians are not against Western countries and if you deal with them, each of them may want to help you in some way or show you a place if you encounter such people. Do not be afraid of being harmed

Do not imagine a military country at all. There is no need to be afraid of being arrested at any moment. If you have not supported dissident groups outside Iran, you should have no fear you just have to follow the rules

Meet Iranian women for Iran tourism

There is not much difference between Iranian women and other western parts. Women, like men, can go anywhere and even dress like Westerners, and many follow the Islamic hijab and believe in it

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